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NaNoWriMo Time

By Barrett

November 1st begins 30 days of Butt-in-Chair wordcrafting. I've entered every year except 2016. It's become a training exercise for the discipline of writing EVERY Damn Day.

Diligently done, I usually end up with a decent start to a manuscript. And this year, I'm amping up the pressure with a new idea. Several weeks ago, I woke up with and idea for a new book in the Damaged Series--The adventures of Zeke and Anne. I even had a title "Destiny's Child".

Having the title and the tiniest essence of the story...(you better sit down) ...


I did.

Big deal? Are you kidding? I am the quintessential "Panster". I never even imagined HOW to write an outline. I can't explain what happened, but I think it's because I'm highly motivated to get my 'mojo' back where it belongs. Too many interruptions have robbed me of the joy I experience when I'm enmeshed in a story. That was the reason I started writing to begin with. I love making up stories.

Do you enjoy making up stories? Perhaps you might give this "nano" madness a try.


This was my very first published book back in 2011.

Barrett's next book, Highland Dew is set for an April 2018 release.